Adrienne Jerram

Adrienne Jerram

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Bubble butt

There is not much that interests me more than your butt ... In a professional sense I mean.

The truth the most of us use our butts primarily for sitting. This means that our butt muscles get long and weak, while the opposing muscles on the front of our legs get short and tight resulting in a pelvis that tips and pulls our lower spine out of position, or conversely put pressure on our kneecaps.

So, given that 90% of my professional life is strengthening people at the back, and then stretching them at the front, it's not surprising that I've become butt obsessed.

The other day I raced a short triathlon and, on the run leg, was going slow enough to notice that those tearing up the field had buns of steal. Their power came, not from the front of their legs but from behind.

I've created a workout for butts, thighs and legs for anyone interested to download and print off

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