Adrienne Jerram

Adrienne Jerram

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Months of Muscle: Obsession is not always our friend

So, I'm happy to admit I have somewhat of an obsessive personality. This has been so helpful and useful in my life. It has helped me save a school.**, run a half marathon, and brought me career success. In short, it has driven me, whilst not always to excellence, to accomplish so many things.

But 'all or nothing' is not a very balanced way to live and by slowing down a bit during the month of muscle I've come to realise that this all-encompassing focus and determination is not always my friend. When you wear the blinkers of obsession and focus you can sometimes miss out on some pretty exciting stuff going on to the left or right of you. 

One of the things I am learning this round of Michelle Bridges 12 week body training is to take it a bit easier. ***  I am learning to accept that the ups and downs, the good days and the not so great,  are all part of the journey. The journey is never a straight line, but a winding path but maybe that winding path is OK, because it will take me to places I never see if I hadn't wandered along it. The most important tool to me you get there is patience. I write it like I know it and practice it, but it's a hard lesson to learn. Meanwhile - I'll stay positive and have faith that I'll get where I want - or at maybe even somewhere else that is equally as interesting.

** It took number of years, special protests, parliamentary inquiries, petitions, letterbox drops and eventually the support of radio shock jock Alan Jones , for a group of parents and community supporters to save that school. I remember being up until midnight preparing submissions and presentations. I have a very clear memory of a friend picking her sleeping eight year old from our sofa and carrying her home at one in the morning. 

*** I lied, I am TRYING to learn this, but got somewhat derailed by a triathlon on the way. 

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