Adrienne Jerram

Adrienne Jerram

Friday, October 7, 2011

Months of Muscle: Blame the bikini

In the 1960s Emily Post decreed, "A bikini is for perfect figures only, and for the very young." 

Now, being on the wrong side of 40, with a build designed to keep the Scottish winters at bay, this, to me, sounds like a challenge! So I have promised my Michelle Bridges Lean and Strong 12 week Body Transformation team mates that I will wear a bikini to the finale party. Oh dear. But I am a person of my word and intend to do just that.

The issue is of course, and I am not alone in this, that 18 years ago I had a child, and it seems quite likely that that skin once stretched so much I resembled a whale not a person ** is unlikely to 'spring' back to shape, no matter what the mix of cardio, weights and abs. Still, with role models like Pink, The chic from terminator two and Hale Berry as role models, my team mates and I are giving it a try.

We're watching what we eat (limit alcohol and sugars, increase protein) pumping iron and, most of all, working those abs. We have faith that, no matter what, there will be some change.

And if it doesn't work, well maybe it is time for us (or at least those attending the finale party) to change our idea of perfection. 

** Some women glow when they are pregnant. If I glowed it must have had a sour green tinge to it as I spent the first six months of my pregnancy overwhelmed by a feeling of seasickness. 

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