I don't think anyone who knows me would think me uncourageous. I've helped save a school, climbed some sheer rock faces, lived with a 16 year old girl.
Still, when it comes to standing up for myself I often go to water. I've been short changed and walked away because I didn't want to cause a fuss, taken sub-standard service, backed down to a colleague and generally turned the other cheek so often I'm starting to get a crick in my neck!
So this year I've decided to flex my courage muscles.
Fast forward to a trip to the hairdresser. I'm sitting in the chair watching my hair being blow dried, and far from being the golden blonde I asked for, it's grey, very grey. And I'm still on the war against aging, so I'm not at all ready or prepared for grey. Tears welled in my eyes. I pictured myself walking from the hairdresser and not returning. Tears turned into rage as I stared harder and harder into the mirror.
Then it happens. It starts as a gurgle in my chest and rises up through my throat and before I know it I'm saying 'It's really too grey'. In a second I'm back at the basin being washed and toned. Half an hour later I'm out of the salon my 'natural' golden blonde.
My hairdresser didn't get cross or upset with me, he just dealt with it (and gave me a discount!)
Building muscle is not easy. The only way they grow is when you work them out, hard. Watch out world, I'm in training.
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