425! That's the number of calories I burned in 6.15am boot camp this morning. Which is amazing because at 6.14am I thought i was going to get out of boot camp all together.
By Thursday morning I'm usually pretty tired. This morning I was more tired than usual as I was still recovering from the Great Valentines Opera Trauma (see Tuesday's blog) which kept me up a couple of hours after my normal bed time. Add to this the fact that I am usually the bright red person puffing and panting and bringing up the rear and I was not at all looking forward to boot camp.
Boot camp starts at 6.15, but when the instructor hadn't turned up at 6.14 my heart I wa thrilled. How many mornings had I prayed that The Amazing Cate would sleep in. My mind wandered to all the lovely things I could do with my morning. Leisurely breakfast by the beach in Manly; complete my to do list before anyone arrived at work to interrupt me; grab a snooze in my car. I was ready to make my way to the nearest coffee shop when I saw The Amazing Cate striding towards me. My heart dropped, my legs turned immediately to jelly, I thought of a thousand excuses why I couldn't participate.
As soon as boot camp started everything changed. I found that I wasn't the slowest but one of the fastest and strongest (different people participating not any new-found ability on my part). I sprinted around the running track. I boxed like a demon. I planked like the wind! My heart rate reached 98% of my max. And after all the running and boxing I ran all the way up Marshall St**. Without even stopping.
The mind is an amazing and powerful thing. By 7.15 the power of positve thinking can help us achieve things that we never would have thought possible at 6.14
** I grew up at the bottom of a hill with a one-in-four gradiant, Marshall Rd is steeper.
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